Thursday, 8 February 2018

Tom's 10th Birthday And A Family Loss

January is normally a great month for Tom. Although back to school after the Christmas period he is normally still buzzing and has his birthday to look forward to. This January was a roller coaster of mixed emotions, but we still celebrated his birthday in style. He had been longing for this birthday, the double digit milestone that is 10 years old. He had a treat day on the day prior to his birthday with his best mate Keiran. We went to Bounce, the trampolining centre, followed by a movie at our local cinema. The day was finished off the way Tom wanted, with a KFC for tea. Tom loved it. We then had a small party on his birthday with Leah, Ronnie, Nanny O and Jan coming over.

Early birthday morning photo before school
January 3rd 2018 we lost my Nan, Tom's Great Nanny. Tom was very grown up and understood what was going on. When Rachel talks about death to Tom she always uses the analogy of the circle of life like in the Lion King movie. This is a great way for a young person to understand death and that whilst there are people that remember that person then they will live on.

Prior to January 3rd we had concerns that my Nan may not have long because she had been acting disorientated a bit. So we all made an effort to go see her on boxing day 2017.

Last family photo of Tom's Great Nanny 2017
She seemed in good spirits and has she remained strong minded and independent until the end. She died at 94 doing what she loved, pottering around at home. On 29th January we laid her to rest. Tom wanted to come to the funeral but we wanted to keep his routine normal, so school it was. However, after school we took Tom to the crematorium as he was interested on where Great Nanny had her last journey. Tom has very grown up throughout this event and has been concerned how my Mum and I were coping. He is definitely very wise and caring for his years.

Thank you Tom for being so caring and thoughtful. xx

Saturday, 23 December 2017

A Boy And The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

This time of year is magical for children and Tom's love for it is huge. As soon as Halloween is over the plans and preparations for Christmas can be legitimately performed. So our build up to Christmas starts with Halloween.

Tom loves Halloween. In actual fact, I would say he loves it almost as much as he loves Christmas and his birthday. No sooner is it over and he is planning his next outfit for the following year. He loves it. He loves the build up, he loves the dress up, he loves the trick or treating and as always he loves a party.

This year was no exception. We had our usual gathering of family and friends. Tom dressed as zombie/ghost. The build up to Halloween is important. He plans his character and costume. With the skills of his Mum he becomes that character. He is so enthusiastic and hoping to be scary, which he most definitely is. The party consisted of spooky party food, spooky music, spooky decorations and the trick or treat tour around our area. It was everything Tom wanted from Halloween.

A Spooky Tom. BOO!!!
Daisy Doo Boo, a spooky boy's best friend

No sooner is Halloween complete and Tom is getting excited about Christmas. The most important thing for any child to perform in the build up to Christmas is the wish list. Generally Tom tells us what he wants and we ensure Santa is informed of his wishes. Tom  has been a good boy all year so he is hoping he is on the Good List. I am sure he will be. Mr Elf has been with us throughout December and I believe he is relaying information back to Santa at the North Pole.

As the epic day gets closer Tom gets more and more excited. As I write this we are now on Christmas Eve Eve, or as Tom now calls it Hypemas Eve. Hypemas is his new Christmas Eve name because he says he will be hyped up all day on Christmas Eve. The mind of a 9 year old, nearly 10, is fantastic.

Tom has done great this year at school and has been a pleasant young man to all, so I know he will be on the good list.

Have a great Christmas!!!

Tom, Nanny O, Ronnie, Auntie Jade & Great Nanny Christmas 2017


Sunday, 24 September 2017

A Boy Back To School And The Distant Memories Of The Summer Holidays

When most children return to school they are not necessarily looking forward to it, but not Tom. He did not seem phased by the new school year coming. Yes he did have a tear the day before school over something silly, but we got over it. Tom has settled fantastically into the new school year with Rachel making the routine a continued pleasure, earning himself a house point on his first day back.

We are now three school weeks back into the new school year and the summer holidays seem a distant but happy memory.

The school holidays can be a juggling act but I think we have it down to a tee now, but the main thing is Tom had a good time.

There was fun, playing, friends, seaside holidays and Tom's favourite, family.

Most importantly Tom had great fun on his travels and his visits to his family. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

A Boy, His Dad And Fathers Day 2017

What has soothing music, smiles, love, gifts and Pokemon? Our son Tom on Fathers Day this year.

As I have mentioned before special occasions always take special and normally secret preparations. This fathers day was no exception. Tom and Rachel worked super stealthily to provide me with a pleasant surprise on fathers day. I love fathers day because I love how Tom makes me feel so special for being his dad and this makes me love him more, an ever lasting circle of love and happiness.

It started with Tom coming upstairs at about 9 am to wish me a happy fathers day and carrying Rachel's iPad playing soothing music. Bleary eyed I awoke to his gorgeous smile and this angelic music. I told him to go downstairs and I would be down in a few minutes. When I got downstairs the iPad was propped up in front of the TV playing the soothing music. Surrounding a bag of gifts and a card was a selection of Tom's Pokemon characters and other fun toy characters. I opened the gifts and was not disappointed. One thing Tom really does well is choose presents that fit the receiver well. Yet again the boy did good!!! And when I asked what the music was I could not help but smile. In true Tom style the soothing music was soothing Pokemon music streaming from Youtube.

We settled down to a BBQ for lunch. The day was an absolute belter for sunshine, too much for me at points, but a great happy day none the less.

Thank you Tom and thank you Rachel. xxx

Thursday, 22 June 2017

A Boy And His Mum Do Sports Day And The Razzle Dazzle

Two weeks ago today, June 8 2017, was sports day at Tom's school and I am eager to attend, so every year I make sure I go. It is not because we are a sporty family, but because I like to see Tom try his best and he did. On this occasion Rachel and I were a bit unsure of the weather, so with coats on we went to cheer our boy and his classmates on.

Sports days have definitely changed since I was a child. Gone are some of the races I remember, three legged race and wheel barrow race to name but two. In are team events and the winner of the sports day is not an individual child, it is the house team that has accumulated the most points over the afternoon. I must admit I prefer it this way. This way no child will feel bad if they do not win a race. 

As ever Tom and his team did their best and as parents that is all we can ask. Well done Tom and well done to Tom's house team, Team Dempsey.

The highlight of the day was not sports day for Tom. It was a date night for Tom and his Mum, they were going on the razz, on the razzle dazzle.

Tom loves a bit of music that he can sing along to and he is heavily influenced by Rachel. He loves musicals and music from shows. Currently he has been loving the music from Les Miserable and Abba. But his current fave has to be Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Tom loves their music and every opportunity he has to listen to them he does, singing or just listening along. Even Tom's school friends love the music now too!!!

As a treat we bought tickets for a cover band that played The Four Seasons music at a local venue. Rachel and Tom met up with our friend Jan, Lady Morrell. Also in attendance in the audience were Nanny O and some of her gang of friends, Tom met up with them at half time and after the show. 

Tom loved it, Rachel loved it, Lady Morrell loved it, Nanny O and all her friends loved it!!! The only one that did not love it was me, because I was at home washing my car....

I love Tom's enthusiasm for fun and music. On his date night he got to display both and had a great time. Don't ever loose your sense of fun Tom or the sparkle in your eye. 

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

A Boy, His Mum And The Viking Conquest

Doing something creative with your child is a great way to help you child develop. For starters the parent child relationship grows. In addition to this your child will learn new skills and develop existing ones. It is also a great way of doing something fun together. I have mentioned before that Rachel, Tom and myself have done projects for school before. These have been making dress up costumes for book days or costumes related to class topics. We have also made models and pictures as required for homework.

Most recently the class topic has been Vikings. Tom has therefore had plenty of homework in relation to this subject. Rachel, our chief stylist and costume designer, did a cracking job of getting Tom to look like a Viking for the dress up at school. Rachel does great job and keeps spending to a minimum by borrowing or recycling items for the required subject. This occasion was no exception. Tom looked great and fell into character straight away. 
Well done Rachel and Tom!!!

Friday, 26 May 2017

A Boy And His Crazes

When we are children we all want the new in thing and even when we are adults we may yearn for the latest crazes. Fads come and go and may come again. They may even stop being fads and become part of everyday life.

Tom and all the children he knows are no exception to wanting to take part in these crazes. In the last year or so I have really noticed Tom wanting to take part. Some of which he was more successful at. I remember several years ago Tom's elder cousin, Leah, being crazy about loom bands and what she could make with them, she was even selling them at school at one point. Tom noticed how this occupied Leah and wanted to take part. She was a master at it. Tom and his helper, me, where most definitely not. Great idea but hard work for our not so nimble fingers.

When Tom discovered Minecraft I knew he had discovered a craze that he would be good at. He is still to this day. At around the same time Tom discovered trading cards. We had Starwars,Skylanders, Match Attax football and rugby cards to name just some. As soon as a kid starts collecting this type of thing they become obsessed. 

Then we had the Pokemon craze. BOOM!!! This currently rules Tom's life. It started with Pokemon Go. It then progressed onto trading cards, limited edition trading cards, Pokemon DVDs and further Pokemon video games. He even sports some Pokemon clothing. A while ago Minecraft was his life and now it is Pokemon for sure.

There is one exception to Pokemon at present. It is the nutty invention that is the fidget spinner. Strange phenomena, but if it catches on then who am I to judge.
The great thing about Tom is that even though he has found new fads there is still space in his heart for many of the old ones. You gotta love him for his enthusiasm on such things.