Tuesday, 30 May 2017

A Boy, His Mum And The Viking Conquest

Doing something creative with your child is a great way to help you child develop. For starters the parent child relationship grows. In addition to this your child will learn new skills and develop existing ones. It is also a great way of doing something fun together. I have mentioned before that Rachel, Tom and myself have done projects for school before. These have been making dress up costumes for book days or costumes related to class topics. We have also made models and pictures as required for homework.

Most recently the class topic has been Vikings. Tom has therefore had plenty of homework in relation to this subject. Rachel, our chief stylist and costume designer, did a cracking job of getting Tom to look like a Viking for the dress up at school. Rachel does great job and keeps spending to a minimum by borrowing or recycling items for the required subject. This occasion was no exception. Tom looked great and fell into character straight away. 
Well done Rachel and Tom!!!

1 comment:

  1. Originally posted in November 2016, but whilst adding labels this got updated as being published 30 May 17.
