Sunday, 24 September 2017

A Boy Back To School And The Distant Memories Of The Summer Holidays

When most children return to school they are not necessarily looking forward to it, but not Tom. He did not seem phased by the new school year coming. Yes he did have a tear the day before school over something silly, but we got over it. Tom has settled fantastically into the new school year with Rachel making the routine a continued pleasure, earning himself a house point on his first day back.

We are now three school weeks back into the new school year and the summer holidays seem a distant but happy memory.

The school holidays can be a juggling act but I think we have it down to a tee now, but the main thing is Tom had a good time.

There was fun, playing, friends, seaside holidays and Tom's favourite, family.

Most importantly Tom had great fun on his travels and his visits to his family. 

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