All is calm in the house tonight, it is brill. This time last week Rachel and I relaxed after a fraught few days without Tom. Tom had been away on his first school residential trip. In actual fact it had only been his second time away from home without Rachel, myself or family with him. The first was his first sleep over at a friend's a few weeks before, school trip training.
For the past couple of years we asked Tom if he wanted to do the residential trips at school when they came up and he was adamant that he did not want to do them. When we did ask we could see that he was uneasy about them and we did not want to push him. Then, several months ago, we asked him if he would like to go to Grafham Water and he nervously agreed. This was a big step for Tom.
Over several months we prepared Tom for his first big solo adventure. We talked to him about it to settle his nerves. We made sure we packed everything he needed, Rachel even tried to colour code different outfits to make getting dressed easy.
As the time got closer to Tom going away, Rachel and I got nervous. After all we had not spent so much time without him. Although we knew Tom would be in great hands with representatives from his school and his school friends would be there for him, it did not stop the anxiety on our parts. Then the big day came. We all got up as usual. I did Tom's breakfast and went to work and Rachel dropped him off at school with his luggage. Both Rachel and I were conscious not to make a big deal, as we did not want a sad boy to go on a trip. How little did we know? Thankfully, on the day he was not sad and was looking forward to his trip.
As soon as the bus left the school Rachel kept track of Tom's trip through the school's Facebook and Twitter feeds. She was like a detective on stake out. I was kept well informed by Rachel and when there was a gap in the school's social media updates Rachel and I got a bit edgy. No need!!!
After three days and two nights it was time for Tom's group to return to school. Rachel eagerly awaited his arrival at the school by getting there early. On his return he told us what a fantastic time he had canoeing, sailing, orienteering, swimming in a lake and mountain biking. But when we asked what the best part was he said,"The food, it was amazing!"
Tom going away was terrifying time for Rachel and myself, but a great time for Tom. We were glad to get him home, but really proud of how grown up he acted by being away by himself.
Well done Tom, you did great!!!