Friday, 8 April 2016

Easter School Holidays 2016

As you can imagine Tom is like all children, school holidays arrived and it is party time. This year Easter was early and therefore the Easter break was early. School holidays do not come early enough for children though. They count down the weeks and then as it gets closer the days. Tom was no different. Tom knew that the holidays meant he would get time to spend with his cousins, grandparents, late nights and constant chilling or playing as he felt fit. As an added bonus it also meant the Easter bunny delivered a fair bit of chocolate.
Image result for easter bunny

When it comes to child care in the school holidays Rachel and I take some time off where we can  but Tom is lucky enough to have fantastic grandparents to help and thus giving him the opportunity to spend time with them. They are Nanny O, Nanny Pam and Grandad. By visiting the GPs Tom got to see his cousins Leah, Ronnie and Sophie.

The school holidays are drawing to a close and like all school children Tom will be interested in seeing his school mates, but also a bit deflated the break has not been longer.

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