Friday, 9 December 2016

A Boy, His Dad And The Viking Long Boat

School projects are great but can be hard work. Recently Tom has been inundated with homework. He has had reading, spelling, memorize a poem to recite to the class and his Viking topic work all to do over a short period. Sometimes it does feel like too much for a child of eight. However, Tom has been a trouper and with the help of his parents he has managed to complete it all with excellent results.

The recent Viking topic has been fun and we have the opportunity to do something creative that is a bit different. Tom was given a choice of subjects to choose from and had to complete several over a period of a few weeks. They varied in how difficult they were but luckily for us Tom is up for a challenge therefore does not always take the easy option.

On this occasion he chose to make a Viking long boat model. We all picked our brains on how we could make a model that stood out from the crowd. Eureka!!! I gave Tom an idea that we could engrave a piece of perspex, mount it on wood and illuminate it. He loved the idea. Between Tom and myself we created a totally different take on a model long boat. I did most the prep work, ie. drilling, cutting and set up the picture for tracing. Tom expertly traced his picture of a Viking boat with a Dremel etching tool onto a thick piece of pvc. He then painted the wooden mount and assembled the pieces together, with a little help from me. The final product was great. It gave us some great bonding time.

Well done Tom keep up the hard work and thanks for making this a fun project!!!

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

A Boy And His Idol - DanTDM

We all have heroes, people we look up to and idols. This is a fact. As we get older we may not react as excited or our idols may change over time. This past twelve months Tom has been lucky enough to meet/see some of his.

Late last year we went to a Sci-Fi convention and had the luck to meet Doctor Who 5, Peter Davidson, who also is the real life father in law David Tennant, Doctor Who 9. Tom was impressed but not as much as me. In actual fact I think I freaked Mr Davidson out a bit. Will have to develop my composure.

We then met Stephen Calcutt who is an actor and has been in quite a lot . He was stand in as Darth Vader on many of the long shots. Tom and I were in awe of him. He was polite and gave Tom some great advice. At the end Tom shook his hand and walked away whispering,"I shook Darth Vader's hand." He loved it.

Tom looked up to these two fellas and to tell the truth I was probably more in awe of them than Tom. There are a few people Tom has grown to idolise, people Tom would like to be like in his mind.  In the past it was through a specific talent, singing, dancing, acting or being a comedian for example. As a fan we would have got our fix through TV, films, shows or magazines. Unlike when I was a kid, now there are extra avenues for people to get into your life. Since the advent of the internet you can now become famous for being you or doing things you like in addition to the old routes.

Tom has been a big fan of Minecraft and video games for sometime now and he has also been a fan of the people that play them for a living on Youtube. There are many Youtube vloggers that specialise in all manner of things. The list is endless. Two of the biggest vloggers in Tom's favoured category are Stampylonghead and DanTDM (The Diamond Minecart). These two fellas play these games but also vlog about their lives. Tom sits there engrossed now as if he was watching a major movie. This past weekend Rachel and myself took him to see the DanTDM show on tour in Ipswich.

I cannot say much about it as he has asked us not to, in order to keep it a surprise for future audiences. What I can say is that he interacted with the audience and had the audience interact with him on stage throughout, almost like panto with technology added and it worked well. Rachel and I actually really enjoyed the show. As did all the kids. My ears were literally hurting by the end of it, it was that noisy, but great fun. To top the show Dan came to the stage door and gave high 5s to all the kids there. He then took a photo for his Facebook page. I can honestly say he seems like a great young fella.

As you can imagine Tom was thrilled throughout and felt ecstatic by the end of it. Glad you had a great time Tom,you deserve it!!!

Friday, 22 July 2016

School's Out For Summer!!!

It is the day of the year most school kids count down to, apart from Christmas and birthdays. The end of the summer term and the start of the summer holidays.. Tom is like all school kids and has been counting down for several weeks. As the day got closer the conversation regarding it became more frequent and the excitement increased. I love how excited and enthusiastic he gets. It is times like these that take me back to my childhood. Great memories. Hope Tom enjoys and remembers these times fondly when he is my age.

For Tom the last day was yesterday and the school hols officially start today. For some kids at Tom's school it was their final year, before moving up to secondary school, and he had the honour to sign some shirts. As Rachel and Tom left the school grounds they stepped over the line that separates the school playground from the outside path in unison and thus it was official. Woo!!! Hoo!!!

Starting today Rachel has taken him to see a film he has been longing to see for a while, The Secret Life Of Pets. He is going to have a fun packed time off. Visiting Nanny O, Nanny Pam and Grandad. Also getting to see his cousins and aunts and uncles a lot more. In addition Rachel and I will be doing fun things, seaside holiday and days out with him.

Let's hope we have good weather. On the off chance that we do I have invested in a jumbo paddling pool for some beach fun but at home.

Happy days!!!

Enjoy Tom, like the song goes, Schools out for summer!!!!

Monday, 20 June 2016

A boy, his dad and Father's Day

The time has come for Tom to celebrate his Father. Like most children Tom looks up to me as a dad, a roll model, a hero and a friend. When I perform each of these tasks I find it a pleasure. Consequently when I find out that he knew what gift he wanted to buy me for Father's day, I felt moved and honoured. Rachel and I really have brought up such a kind and thoughtful young man.

These type of operations take weeks to plan from Tom and Rachel's perspective. They go shopping, he knows what gift he wants to buy and can then barely contain himself when the big day arrives. The card is written in only his style and the presents, with the help of Rachel, are wrapped in style. It would not matter what the present was I would love it, but on this occasion I was well happy.

Rachel made a cracking tea, her speciality cottage pie and we all had a chilled out day.

Remember, dads out there that the mums of your children work as hard to make it a special day as the children, so show thanks to them too.

Thank you Tom and Rachel for making it a great day. xx

(Addition to this post)  Today I had the pleasure of joining my son for the school Father's day lunch. It is always great to go into the school and to see the routine Tom and his friends have. Today made it extra special because dads that were available were invited to attend the lunch. Your choice is pre-booked so they can estimate the amount of food necessary. I had a roast chicken lunch with yorkshire pudding and vegetables, followed by chocolate brownie. It was tip top and all the better for having it with Tom and two of his best friends at school.

Friday, 6 May 2016

A Boy And His Dad Creating - The Beginning

Tom and I love making up stories. Our subject matters are quite diverse but border on what boys like. We have had stories of horror, science fiction, heroes, fairy tales, fantasy and adventure. We normally start with a subject matter or character name and it's characteristics. We may even play with subject matter that has already been created, for example Frankenstein meets vampires or Little Red Riding Hood or the Three Little Pigs.

The stories nearly always take place at bath time. Our stories tend to touch on legends and I try to inject the enthusiasm legends or old tales into our stories. I will say to Tom what shall we have a story about. He will then give me the subject and I will start. After I start we then bounce ideas off each other throughout the story but with me leading. Although some of the stories may be influenced by other sources they inevitably end up our own creations and twists.

This week we have had my work mate, Shiraz, as a link to King Arthur's legacy and his relationship with Ash from the Army Of Darkness. We have also had a tale about the Invisible Man starting off as a burglar and then becoming a crime fighter.

I love these times we have together. I have audio recorded some and plan to put some into this blog. These will come soon, although I am not sure what media format.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Tom's St. George's Day Parade With Cubs

Last Sunday saw the Peterborough full scouting movement celebrate St. George's Day with a parade and service.

For the past two months Tom has been a cub and prior to that he was a Beaver. He is gradually creeping up the through the ranks of the scouting movement and he is thoroughly enjoying it. Sunday saw the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, , Explorers, Sea Cadets, Rainbows, Brownies and Girl Guides culminate in the square behind St. John's church in the city centre.

Tom was initially a bit nervous, but over came this and with the scouts of differing ages marched from the square into Peterborough Cathedral for a St. George's day service. The cathedral was packed full with 600+ scouts. Parents and friends were encouraged to join in the service but had to sit or stand to the side of the cathedral. Being proud parents, Rachel and myself followed the parade and joined the service.

The service was attended by local leading dignitaries of the scouting movement and Peterborough Mayor. The service was upbeat and finished with our national anthem, God Save The Queen. At the end of the service all of  the scouts and there leaders were thanked in a speech in the grounds of the cathedral.

This type of event will stick with Tom. He is growing up quickly. Rachel and myself were very proud of Tom and also very proud to be included in such an event.

Well done Tom, keep up the good work!!!

Friday, 8 April 2016

Easter School Holidays 2016

As you can imagine Tom is like all children, school holidays arrived and it is party time. This year Easter was early and therefore the Easter break was early. School holidays do not come early enough for children though. They count down the weeks and then as it gets closer the days. Tom was no different. Tom knew that the holidays meant he would get time to spend with his cousins, grandparents, late nights and constant chilling or playing as he felt fit. As an added bonus it also meant the Easter bunny delivered a fair bit of chocolate.
Image result for easter bunny

When it comes to child care in the school holidays Rachel and I take some time off where we can  but Tom is lucky enough to have fantastic grandparents to help and thus giving him the opportunity to spend time with them. They are Nanny O, Nanny Pam and Grandad. By visiting the GPs Tom got to see his cousins Leah, Ronnie and Sophie.

The school holidays are drawing to a close and like all school children Tom will be interested in seeing his school mates, but also a bit deflated the break has not been longer.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

A Boy, His Dad And Mother's Day

The celebratory days through out the year are the ones kids look forward to and rightly so. Whether it is a birthday, Christmas, Easter or Mother's and Father's day, children love them. They love them and I love them. What I really love though is how children love them.

This past week we have been lucky enough to celebrate Mother's day and my birthday. We celebrated both on Mother's day, although my birthday is actually the 7th of March. Tom is an ambassador for how children should celebrate these events. He looks forward to them, likes the run up with all the excitement and razzmatazz involved and then knows how to celebrate in style.

As it was Mother's day we ensured his Mum had a bit of a lay in, she got up without too much of a lay in as she was also excited. Got the presents he bought ready and prepared a special Mother's day breakfast. We started in style. As a result of Tom wanting to do things in style he wanted to dress for the occasion. For this he wanted to don a bow tie, but settled for a more casual Angry Birds neck tie. Looking good and feeling fine Tom!!!

In the afternoon/tea time we had Nanny O, Auntie Jade, Uncle John, Leah and Ronnie over for a Mother's day and birthday tea. As it was Mother's day Tom and I decided we wanted to ensure each of the Mum's had an extra present. These we laid at the table for the ladies, Rachel, Auntie Jade and Nanny O (my Mum), to open. 

With plenty to eat and fun had by the kids we finished our celebration off in the style I love. Our family parties very often have a group photo. In the past we have set the camera on a timer but with the trend of selfie photos we decided to take this route.

I love these get togethers and I love the way Tom loves a party!!

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Parents Evening

This week we saw that time come again, the time parents find out how well or not their children are doing at school. That time is parents evening. I know some parents and children are a bit dubious as they may be getting bad as well as good news. However no matter how critical the news we are presented with as parents, it is great to find how our children are doing at school.

Rachel and myself have never really worried in advance because we have always had good news. This week was no exception. Tom's teacher, ironically also called Tom, was full of praise. Academically he is above average and with no problems. As parents we do not push Tom, but then again we do not let him be slack. We have discovered that to get the best out of him we will let him go at his own speed, which seems to be working.

What Tom excels at is following and being an ambassador for the school code of practice, The Pride Code. We are so proud to hear Tom has always followed this code to a T and continues to do so. Not only does he follow it, he also promotes it in his attitude and actions at school. This can be to other children and school staff. The attributes he displays we have always encouraged but it is a real pleasure to be told by other people that he has these characteristics. Tom often gets school awards for following this code so we know the school values his efforts.

Well done Tom, keep it up!!!

Monday, 8 February 2016

School Awards

Rachel and I love it when Tom gets nominated for one of the school awards. Last week we heard the great news from the school that Tom is going to receive another honours award. Only one child per class per term receives one of these awards. Some children may be regular receivers and some may only receive one in the time they are at the school. Fortunately for Tom and us he has now received one each year.

 The school organises the awards ceremony in a lovely way. The school asks the parents to keep it a secret from the children. On the day of the presentation assembly the teachers and children start the assembly as normal. About half way through the parents of the children receiving the awards sneak into the back of the assembly hall quietly. As the children hear shuffles they all have a sneaky look over their shoulders to see what is going on. When a child spots their parents, it is magical. 

Like all the parents there today both Rachel and I were beaming with pride for our little fella. The award was for showing independence, initiative and having a brilliant humble attitude at all times. It felt a real honour for Rachel and myself to hear this was how a teacher was judging our child. The teacher gave a brief explanation on why he was honouring Tom for these attributes and finished with saying Tom would go far. Great news and we know he has great things to offer later in life. 

To some degree we are not surprised with the attributes the teacher has awarded him for, because we have also seen these in him. Having said that it was for Tom to hear someone else praise him for his efforts and great for us to know he is so highly thought of.

Keep the good work up Tom!!!

Friday, 22 January 2016

The Joy Of An 8 Year Old's Birthday

Tom like all kids loves Christmas and birthdays. From the build up to the excited night before to the ensuing parties, he loves them all.

This year we celebrated Tom's birthday in a style that he has come to expect but is most definitely a pleasure for his mum and me.

We start by trying to get him to sleep at a reasonable time because chances are we are going to be up early. When he is asleep we sneak upstairs and get the presents we have bought him, more will follow from family members on his actual birthday. The presents are laid on the dining room table along with cards in a welcoming pile. We proceed to decorate the room with banners, signs and this year fairy lights, to replace the usual daisy the dog frightening balloons.

As you can imagine he wakes and is eager to open his presents. However, this year he opened them with decorum and read each tag, Rachel is great at writing something different on each present. There was none of the usual let me get through it all quickly like a whirlwind, ultra politeness. He is definitely growing into a great young man.

As this year was a Friday Tom had to go to school. Rachel had the day off work to clean and I finished work at lunch time so I could go home and help with the cooking and setting up of any toys he got that may need setting up.

Tom likes nothing more than a party and every year we throw one that is as much for the adults as it is for the kids. Our birthday parties for Tom have become a tradition that he loves as much as anything else on his birthday. We had all of his grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins that live local enough to come and some additional friends. Tom loves it!!! We don't go made but he has a great time and so do his guests with everyone living at a reasonable time because of children.

The next day was Tom's second party for his school mates. We did a trip to see the Snoopy movie with three friends and then tea with playing after. Poor little fella was pooped by the end of the second party and was asleep by 6:30 on the Saturday night, something unheard of usually. Although he was tired he never once complained and loved both parties.

Next weekend the birthday celebrations come to a peak with us all going to Shreks Adventure followed by the musical Wicked in London. Another fun filled full day that Tom will love.

Happy birthday Tom, love you!!!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The Tooth Fairy

As all parents know there is a procedure that must be followed when a child starts to get a wobbly tooth. This procedure we have had to perform over the years, in actual fact most recently two days ago. It always starts with Tom discovering he has a wobbly tooth. Then there is a bit of wobbling, well a lot of gentle tooth wobbling until the tooth comes away. It can be really funny watching Tom roll around trying to gentle but so desperate to get it out.

When it does finally come out children get so excited and want to show everyone the tooth and the gap. I love his and all children's enthusiasm for something that if it happened to an adult would be a tragedy. The fact is, to a child it is one step closer to getting a new tooth and to some degree growing up. So the tooth is out and we plan what happens next.

Some children put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy. We have a special tooth fairy pouch that hangs on the door. This makes it a bit easier to remove the tooth and replace it with a financial reward. I cannot believe the going rate for a tooth is £2 per tooth from the tooth fairy. It was only 10p when I was kid. In the morning Tom woke and immediately investigated the pouch for his reward. Sometimes we may include a note as well. He is so chuffed when he finds something there.

These events are special moments that you cannot buy. These special moments make you realise what true love is. Happy days.......