Saturday, 23 December 2017

A Boy And The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

This time of year is magical for children and Tom's love for it is huge. As soon as Halloween is over the plans and preparations for Christmas can be legitimately performed. So our build up to Christmas starts with Halloween.

Tom loves Halloween. In actual fact, I would say he loves it almost as much as he loves Christmas and his birthday. No sooner is it over and he is planning his next outfit for the following year. He loves it. He loves the build up, he loves the dress up, he loves the trick or treating and as always he loves a party.

This year was no exception. We had our usual gathering of family and friends. Tom dressed as zombie/ghost. The build up to Halloween is important. He plans his character and costume. With the skills of his Mum he becomes that character. He is so enthusiastic and hoping to be scary, which he most definitely is. The party consisted of spooky party food, spooky music, spooky decorations and the trick or treat tour around our area. It was everything Tom wanted from Halloween.

A Spooky Tom. BOO!!!
Daisy Doo Boo, a spooky boy's best friend

No sooner is Halloween complete and Tom is getting excited about Christmas. The most important thing for any child to perform in the build up to Christmas is the wish list. Generally Tom tells us what he wants and we ensure Santa is informed of his wishes. Tom  has been a good boy all year so he is hoping he is on the Good List. I am sure he will be. Mr Elf has been with us throughout December and I believe he is relaying information back to Santa at the North Pole.

As the epic day gets closer Tom gets more and more excited. As I write this we are now on Christmas Eve Eve, or as Tom now calls it Hypemas Eve. Hypemas is his new Christmas Eve name because he says he will be hyped up all day on Christmas Eve. The mind of a 9 year old, nearly 10, is fantastic.

Tom has done great this year at school and has been a pleasant young man to all, so I know he will be on the good list.

Have a great Christmas!!!

Tom, Nanny O, Ronnie, Auntie Jade & Great Nanny Christmas 2017