Friday, 22 January 2016

The Joy Of An 8 Year Old's Birthday

Tom like all kids loves Christmas and birthdays. From the build up to the excited night before to the ensuing parties, he loves them all.

This year we celebrated Tom's birthday in a style that he has come to expect but is most definitely a pleasure for his mum and me.

We start by trying to get him to sleep at a reasonable time because chances are we are going to be up early. When he is asleep we sneak upstairs and get the presents we have bought him, more will follow from family members on his actual birthday. The presents are laid on the dining room table along with cards in a welcoming pile. We proceed to decorate the room with banners, signs and this year fairy lights, to replace the usual daisy the dog frightening balloons.

As you can imagine he wakes and is eager to open his presents. However, this year he opened them with decorum and read each tag, Rachel is great at writing something different on each present. There was none of the usual let me get through it all quickly like a whirlwind, ultra politeness. He is definitely growing into a great young man.

As this year was a Friday Tom had to go to school. Rachel had the day off work to clean and I finished work at lunch time so I could go home and help with the cooking and setting up of any toys he got that may need setting up.

Tom likes nothing more than a party and every year we throw one that is as much for the adults as it is for the kids. Our birthday parties for Tom have become a tradition that he loves as much as anything else on his birthday. We had all of his grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins that live local enough to come and some additional friends. Tom loves it!!! We don't go made but he has a great time and so do his guests with everyone living at a reasonable time because of children.

The next day was Tom's second party for his school mates. We did a trip to see the Snoopy movie with three friends and then tea with playing after. Poor little fella was pooped by the end of the second party and was asleep by 6:30 on the Saturday night, something unheard of usually. Although he was tired he never once complained and loved both parties.

Next weekend the birthday celebrations come to a peak with us all going to Shreks Adventure followed by the musical Wicked in London. Another fun filled full day that Tom will love.

Happy birthday Tom, love you!!!

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The Tooth Fairy

As all parents know there is a procedure that must be followed when a child starts to get a wobbly tooth. This procedure we have had to perform over the years, in actual fact most recently two days ago. It always starts with Tom discovering he has a wobbly tooth. Then there is a bit of wobbling, well a lot of gentle tooth wobbling until the tooth comes away. It can be really funny watching Tom roll around trying to gentle but so desperate to get it out.

When it does finally come out children get so excited and want to show everyone the tooth and the gap. I love his and all children's enthusiasm for something that if it happened to an adult would be a tragedy. The fact is, to a child it is one step closer to getting a new tooth and to some degree growing up. So the tooth is out and we plan what happens next.

Some children put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy. We have a special tooth fairy pouch that hangs on the door. This makes it a bit easier to remove the tooth and replace it with a financial reward. I cannot believe the going rate for a tooth is £2 per tooth from the tooth fairy. It was only 10p when I was kid. In the morning Tom woke and immediately investigated the pouch for his reward. Sometimes we may include a note as well. He is so chuffed when he finds something there.

These events are special moments that you cannot buy. These special moments make you realise what true love is. Happy days.......